Animation Outlaws tells the story of Spike and Mike, who in the pre-YouTube days curated an annual animation festival which featured independent and experimental short films which were hard to find.

Growing up in Israel, I could not attend those festivals. I did however managed to get their VHS tapes, and I worn those out completely. The films were so different from any animation I've seen before and they shaped my love to the medium and to film-making. In 2017 I was invited by Director Kat Alioshin to contribute designs for the animated segments in a documentary about the History of Spike and Mike's festival of Animation.
It was a wonderful way for me to pay tribute to these guys who shared their love for animation and exposed the world to so many wonderful artists through the years.

I partnered with master Sculptor Damon Bard who brought these designed to life with the help genius puppet maker Victoria Rose and the incredible animation team.


Kat Alioshin: Director/Producer
Damon Bard: Character sculptor
Victoria Rose Most: Puppet fabricator
Sylvie R. McClelland: Puppet face paint